Sorry to hear that, Pal!  :-(

Hopefully some of the damaged equipment is salvageable or repairable.


Pål Jensen wrote:

> My tripod toppled over today due to wind and along with it's three meter fall on 
>granite went my 645N and FA645 33-55/4.5 lens. Neither particularly cheap. The camera 
>body cracked open exposing the electronics. The lens broke immediately in front of 
>the aperture ring - the glass is fine though. The equipment is already in the mail 
>for  an estimate. I fear the body is beyond repair but I have some hopes that the 
>lens can be saved. I was not insured :-(
> Pål

"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it 
is true." -J. Robert

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