On 2022-11-23 00:46, Raghvendra Choudhary wrote:
Hi Team,

I installed the powerDNS server and PowerDNS admin in container and it
works fine. I also added the domain through the UI.

Now i want to know how to resolve the DNS that present in the backend
of the powerDNS.

This makes no sense. You sure you even want a DNS server? That's not a question I need an answer to btw.

Also, we are not your "team". Many of us are industry professionals who help each other out but we should not be treated like your fellow employees or friends. Unless you want to cross our palms with silver, however, the fact you are here indicates the answer is not.

Please consider your posts within the context and scope of this list. It is assumed anyone present here already has a good working knowledge of DNS fundamentals, networking and Linux.
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