Yes, really I am not all that, but take only the best parts from each. It was an exaggerated attempt to say, that I do not support a rigid ideology or religion: I assume thirdness within prehuman and prebiotic nature, but that is not creationism nor platonism, because I do not assume readymade preexisted ideas, but only a driving force or reason towards higher complexity. 

 "Edwina Taborsky" <> wrote:
Good heavens, Helmut, what a contrary mixture of beliefs you hold!  "left wing anarchist liberal communist feminist anticapitalist antifashist".......Anarchy in its nature opposes communism, fascism and liberalism.  But being left wing promotes communism and fascism. Liberalism promotes capitalism. And anti-authority rejects Peircean Thirdness and Mind.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 26, 2014 5:42 PM
Subject: Aw: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Pragmatic Cosmos
Hi! I do not think, that my point of view or my argumentation has anything to do with celestial spheres or bearded father figures. I am a left wing anarchist liberal communist feminist anticapitalist antifashist and so on. I am against any authorority, except the authority of God. And, what this is, I am trying to find out. Best, Helmut.

 "Jon Awbrey" <>An: "Peirce List" <> wrote:
Jeff, Sung, Helmut, List,

It is only human of human beings to project their affairs on celestial spheres but doing so does not
alter the circumstance that we project our own images from anthropic centers. There are times when
our projections hit the mark. And there are times when we end up imagining the universe compassed
by Bearded Father Figures (BFFs). Speculative projections require critical reflection to sift the
reality from the fantasy.

I am mainly concerned with inquiry as a form of human conduct, a practical activity carried on by
individuals and communities, increasingly supported by the tools our species of tool-makers has
evolved and learned to make. Thus I view inquiry stereoscopically, from two distinct angles,
descriptive and instrumental.

On the descriptive side, Peirce's work on relations in general and sign relations in particular
gives us, perhaps for the first time in history, a paradigm of theoretical models adequate to the
task of describing inquiry. The category theory developed by mathematicians has many applications
in describing the functions and structures of inquiry, especially if the potential generalizations
of category theory to handle relations in their own terms can be realized.

On the instrumental side, we have the task of engineering software that can better aid inquiry.
Building instruments to extend our capacities in any realm requires a model of the organon that
nature gave us, and so we "prime the pump" of the instrumental task by knowing ourselves first.
Given that start, the cycle of amplification can begin.




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