
Cary Campbell of the Semiotic Research Group posted this summary of a
lecture, "Anticipation and Semiotics: One Cannot Not Interact" and gives a
link to the accompanying ppt slideshow by Mihai Nadin (he inadvertently
misspells his first name as 'Mihou') on that group's Facebook page.

Many years ago I read a number of Nadin's papers and had a fascinating
off-list discussion with him on his work, then focusing squarely on
Peirce's semiotic theory and, as I recall, especially Peirce's
understanding of virtuality. While Nadin has gone on to consider
applications of semiotic theory to computer science, HCI, and other fields,
it appears that his work continues to be 'grounded' in Peircean semiotics.



Cary wrote:

This is a super topical lecture from engineer/scientist/semiotician Mihou
Nadin; quite inspiring.

He talks about man’s current and developing relations with technology and
how these relationships are slowly automating the human away; in which the
emphasis has shifted, since his pioneering work in interfaces and AI, from
making machines more like humans to making humans more like machines.

This leads him to assert that the dynamism and complexity of life (Godel
defines complexity as the ability to interact) is not reducible to the
machine. Or in other words, signs (in the Peircean understanding that
always open up something new to an interpreter) are not reducible to
signals, which carry preformed and static data. Naturally, this calls for
him to explore Peircian interpretative semiotics.

Here is also a pdf of his presentation to accompany the video:
[image: Gary Richmond]

*Gary Richmond*
*Philosophy and Critical Thinking*
*Communication Studies*
*LaGuardia College of the City University of New York*
*C 745*
*718 482-5690*
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