Clark, List,
Sorry, I think, I have had a misunderstanding based on the problem of translating "power" to German: "Macht" (mightiness) is only the power, a human or an institution has to achieve their particular iterests, but English "power" is a much more general term: In this case perhaps a universal teleology or telos?

 "Clark Goble" <> wrote:
On Oct 23, 2015, at 1:21 PM, Helmut Raulien <> wrote:
I thought, that "final interpretant" had something to do with truth. But you wrote, that it rather has to do with power.
Our meaning of truth is the final interpretant but the final interpretant functions due to a type of power. For Peirce this power is wrapped up in Charity or agape. (Interestingly in a way similar although not identical to how justice functions for Derrida)
Peirce adopts the notion of sunnum bonum from Aristotle although his use is more a mixture of Plato, Aristotle, and the scholastics with a bit of Kant as well. The sunnum bonum is this idea of the universe as beautiful and good. It is the fundamental explanatory hypothesis. For Peirce the universe is an argument working itself out to this final interpretant. The final interpretant is this end precisely because this place of the good or reasonableness of the universe acting upon us. So when we say power you can’t separate it from this notion of the good.
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