> On Oct 25, 2016, at 11:53 AM, Jon Alan Schmidt <jonalanschm...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> CG:  I usually prefer to quote from EP 2 or RLT rather than CP for reasons 
> like this. (It’s just a pain to figure out the dates - although perhaps 
> that’s me)
> It is not just you--I have come to despise not only the arbitrarily jumbled 
> topical arrangement of the Collected Papers, but also the need to find just 
> the right footnote in order to determine the date of any particular passage, 
> which is often associated with an earlier paragraph than the one of interest. 
>  Those dates are not entirely reliable, either.  A good example of the 
> problems that can arise is a fairly recent (and very interesting) paper on "A 
> Neglected Argument" that still dated CP 6.486-491 to 1910, despite the EP 
> footnotes explaining that this is actually the first (unpublished) additament 
> that Peirce wrote in 1908; and treated CP 6.492-493 as part of the original 
> article written in 1908, even though the accompanying footnote states plainly 
> that it is "From an unpaginated fragment, c. 1896."

I just wish RLT was available electronically as a PDF or ePub/Mobi. Right now I 
always have to go to my hard copy.
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