Gary f, John, list:

Gary, so I take by your post that you're the skeptic and John is the


On Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 7:15 PM, <> wrote:

> John, Jon A, list,
> John, you wrote, “Peirce's motivation [for his dialogic approach to EGs]
> was the similarity to his theory of inquiry: a dialog between two parties,
> one who proposes a theory and one who is skeptical. The proposer is trying
> to find evidence for it, and the skeptic is trying to find evidence against
> it.” But this is *very* different from Peirce’s own account of the dialog
> between graphist and interpreter in the Lowell lectures, in CP 4.431, in
> the Lowell Lectures, in the Syllabus and in every later text on EGs that
> I’ve seen. In CP 4.395, for instance, we find: “*Convention No. I*. These
> Conventions are supposed to be mutual understandings between two persons: a
> *Graphist*, who expresses propositions according to the system of
> expression called that of *Existential Graphs*, and an *Interpreter*, who
> interprets those propositions and accepts them without dispute.”
> If the player you designate as the “skeptic” is essential to game theory,
> then I am skeptical of your claim that EGs can be understood in
> game-theoretical terms, unless you can show some textual evidence. As with
> the other discrepancies I’ve already pointed out between your account of
> EGs and Peirce’s account in the Lowells, I think this can only sow
> confusion for those of us trying to understand exactly what Peirce was
> doing in the Lowell Lectures. I don’t think it’s helpful to gloss over the
> differences by claiming that your version is “isomorphic” to Peirce’s 1903
> version, and then blame the resulting confusion on Peirce.
> Gary f.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John F Sowa []
> Sent: 2-Nov-17 16:08
> To:
> Cc: Dau, Frithjof <>
> Subject: Re: Fw: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell Lecture 2.6
> Gary F, Jeff BD, Kirsti, Jon A,
> I didn't respond to your previous notes because I was tied up with other
> work.  Among other things, I presented some slides for a telecon sponsored
> by Ontolog Forum.  Slide 23 (cspsci.gif attached) includes my diagram of
> Peirce's classification of the sciences and discusses the implications.
> (For all slides: )
> Among the implications:  The sharp distinction between "formal logic",
> which is part of mathematics, from logic as a normative science and the
> many studies of reasoning in linguistics, psychology, and education.
> Peirce was very clear about the infinity of mathematical theories.
> As pure mathematics, the only point to criticize would be the clarity and
> precision of the definitions and reasoning.  But applications may be
> criticized as irrelevant, inadequate, or totally wrong.
> Gary
> > as late as 1909 Peirce was still trying (apparently without success)
> > to get Lady Welby to study Existential Graphs. And the graphs he sent
> > her to study look pretty much the same as the graphs he introduced in
> > the Lowell Lecture 2: nested cuts, areas defined by the cuts, and no
> > shading.
> That failure may have been one of the inspirations for the 1911 version,
> which he addressed to one of her correspondents.
> >> [JFS] The rules are *notation independent*:  with minor adaptations
> >> to the syntax, they can be used for reasoning in a very wide range of
> >> notations...
> >
> > [GF] This does not explain why Peirce was dissatisfied with algebraic
> > notations (including his own) and invented EGs for the sake of their
> > optimal iconicity
> On the contrary, simplicity and symmetry enhance iconicity and
> generality.  See the examples in :
>   1. Shading of negative phrases in English (slides 28 to 30) and the
>      application of Peirce's rules to the English sentences.
>   2. Embedded icons in EG areas (Euclid's diagrams, exactly as he drew
>      them) and the option of inserting or erasing parts of the diagrams
>      according to those rules (slides 33 to 42).
>   3. And the rules can be generalized to 3-D virtual reality.  I couldn't
>      draw the examples, but just imagine shaded and unshaded 3-D blobs
>      that contain 3-D icons (shapes) with parts connected by lines.  I'm
>      sure that Peirce imagined such applications when he was writing
>      about stereoscopic equipment (which he could not afford to buy).
> Gary
> > “Peirce said that a blank sheet of assertion is a graph.  Since it's a
> > graph, you can draw a double negation around it.”  — Eh? How can you
> > draw anything around the sheet of assertion, which (by Peirce’s
> > definition) is unbounded??
> But note Jeff's comments about projective geometry and topology (which
> Peirce knew very well):
> Jeff
> > My reason for picking this example of a topological surface is that it
> > provides us with an example of a 2 dimensional space in which a path
> > can be drawn all of the way "around" the surface...
> Yes.  And that infinite space bounded by its infinite circle can be mapped
> -- point by point -- to a finite replica on another sheet.
> In any case, the formal logic does not depend on the details of any
> representation.  We can just use the word 'blank' to name an empty sheet of
> assertion or any finite replica of it.
> Gary
> > I’m reluctant to apply topological theories to EGs if they’re going to
> > complicate the issues instead of simplifying them.
> For a mathematician, Jeff's method is an enormous simplification.
> Finite boundaries in mathematics and computer science are always a
> nuisance.  But when you're teaching EGs to students, you can just use the
> word 'blank' for an empty area.  A pseudograph is just an enclosure that
> contains a blank.
> Gary
> > John appears to regard all graphs, all partial graphs and all areas as
> > being on the sheet of assertion. But Peirce says explicitly that
> > neither the antecedent nor the consequent of a conditional can be
> > scribed on the sheet of assertion...
> My diagrams (with or without shading) are isomorphic to Peirce's.
> Talking about sheets doesn't generalize to other logics or to 3-D icons.
> It makes the presentation more complex and confusing.
> Kirsti
> > I attended Hintikka's lectures on game theory in early 1970's.
> > No shade of Peirce. I found them boring.
> Game theoretical semantics (GTS) is just a mathematical theory.
> As pure mathematics, Peirce would not object to it.
> Kirsti
> > it hurts my heart and soul to read a suggestion that Peirce's
> > endoporeutic may have or could have been a version of Hintikka's game
> > theoretical semantics.
> Jon
> > Peirce's explanation of logical connectives and quantifiers in terms
> > of a game between two players attempting to support or defeat a
> > proposition, respectively, is a precursor of many later versions of
> > game-theoretic semantics.
> Risto Hilpinen (1982) showed that the formal theory of Peirce's
> endoporeutic is equivalent to GTS.  As a formal theory, Peirce would have
> no objection to GTS or to any proof of formal equivalence.
> Peirce's motivation was the similarity to his theory of inquiry:
> a dialog between two parties, one who proposes a theory and one who is
> skeptical.  The proposer is trying to find evidence for it, and the skeptic
> is trying to find evidence against it.
> Hintikka's applications had some similarities and some differences.
> But that's a topic that goes beyond the EG issues.
> John
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