John, my reply to Jerry sort of thoughts on the idea of two logics.
Unfortunately, I replied first to Jerry and managed to lose your note to
which I was going to reply. I have been online forever but have no idea
what happened.

Here is a bit that may explain what I am about.

Reality is all.

All is the case.

The world is a case.

A case is a sign.


Facts are claims as well as true.

Things are what they are.

Ultimately, what is good is what is true.


Sometime is time to come.

Future is here in

The world is determined as we go.

Things change and remain the same.


There is no end to all.

 Continuity and movement reign.

 Days are units of progress.


The case is what is true.

The totality is true and false – ambient but moving toward truth.

Totality is an aggregate within the all which is mixed, depending on the
disposition of choices.

Our world is where we are in reality.


Logic tends toward good.

The world tends toward good.


The world is not divided by any mental gyration.

The world is what it is.


Everything is in and beyond us. As is mystery. As is knowing and not

No one has a final answer.

Most mystery we cannot fathom.

On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 11:00 AM, John F Sowa <> wrote:

> Edwina and Stephen,
> ET
>> what's the difference between a 'language game' and
>> a 'grammatical sentence'?
> A sentence is just one move in a language game.
> For more about Wittgenstein's language games and their relationship
> to logic and computer programs, see the article "Language Games,
> Natural and Artificial":
> See page 3 of lgames.pdf, which quotes some examples of language
> games from his later book _Logical Investigations_.
> And by the way, Wittgenstein's original term was 'Sprachspiel'.
> The word 'Spiel' in German is somewhat broader than the English
> 'game'.  It would include noncompetitive play as well as games
> that involve competition.
> It's closer to Peirce's word 'musement', which he defined as
> "pure play":
>> I claim logic is good.
> Oh.  Now I realize that you were talking about logic as one of
> the normative sciences, since it defines the criteria for truth.
> But note that Peirce classifies logic in two places. Formal logic
> is a subset of mathematics, which is prior to all versions of
> philosophy.  But logic is also one of the normative sciences.
> As such, it depends on mathematics, phenomenology, and the two
> prior normative sciences, aesthetics and ethics.
> When I said that NLs are prior to logic, I meant that as a
> historical observation:  All versions of formal logic have
> been designed as disciplined subsets of natural languages.
> I was talking about language and logic as semiotic systems.
> In that sense, Peirce discussed logic in the broad sense as the
> study of criteria of truth for any system of signs, which include
> natural languages as well as all kinds of notations and diagrams.
> Formal logics are rigidly disciplined versions of logic.  That
> makes them useful for enabling precise definitions of the rules
> of inference, which preserve truth.
> Peirce also said that discipline is purely negative.  It puts
> constraints on what can be said.  By itself, formal logic is
> a deductive system that cannot find or create anything new.
> To introduce anything new, you need the methods of induction
> (generalization from particular instances) and abduction
> (forming hypotheses by guessing or phenomenological insight).
> Neither method is guaranteed to preserve truth.
> If you introduce new axioms by induction and abduction,
> they must be tested by an unending cycle of deduction and
> further observation.  But you can never be certain that the
> cycle has finally converged to absolute truth.
> John
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