Dear Edwina Jon list:

It’s happening again.

Doesn’t Peirce give us the prescription to end this kind of interminable

If so, then *quid sit deus*?

"Oh, I now realize you always knew this.

But I've just come to recognize how central the question *'Quid sit deus?' *

With best wishes,
Jerry R

On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 12:48 PM, Jon Alan Schmidt <
> wrote:

> Helmut, List:
> As I have pointed out before, Peirce was definitely *not *a pantheist or
> panentheist, as I understand those terms.
> CSP:  … Who, out of Nothing, less than a blank, is creating all three
> Universes of experience. I do *not *mean, then, a "soul of the World" or
> an intelligence is "immanent" in Nature, but is the Creator of the three
> Universes of minds, of matter, and of ideal possibilities, and of
> everything in them. (R 843:11[1])
> CSP:  Indeed, meaning by "God," as throughout this paper will be meant,
> the Being whose Attributes are, in the main, those usually ascribed to Him,
> Omniscience, Omnipotence, Infinite Benignity, a Being *not *"immanent in"
> the Universes of Matter, Mind, and Ideas, but the Sole Creator of every
> content of them without exception … (R 843:18&20[1-2])
> CSP:  But I had better add that I do *not *mean by God a being merely
> "immanent in Nature," but I mean that Being who has created every content
> of the world of ideal possibilities, of the world of physical facts, and
> the world of all minds, without any exception whatever. (R 843:25[4])
> In each case, the emphasis on "not" is Peirce's in the original
> manuscript, so he evidently wanted to be very clear about this.
> Regards,
> Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
> Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman
> -
> On Sat, May 12, 2018 at 4:56 PM, Helmut Raulien <> wrote:
>> Edwina, Gary, list,
>> I think the NA is a mixture of incomplete, perhaps circular, arguments,
>> and a priori, similar to Anselm´s (though Anselm thought his argument was
>> valid). To decide whether this mixture makes Peirce a theist or not is not
>> easy, but I think that many others, who call themselves theists, neither
>> would say that they have a complete and correct argument for doing so.
>> Also, the term "theist" is not clear, because a pantheist would call
>> her/himself a theist, as the word suggests, but a dogmatic theist would
>> probably call a pantheist an atheist. So, if (only if) for example Peirce
>> was a pantheist (or panentheist), it would both be true calling him a
>> theist and a non-theist, depending on from which point of view.
>> Was Peirce a pantheist or panentheist? Even if he did not explicitly say
>> that the mind of the universe is the mind of God (Universe = God,
>> pantheism), or the quasi-mind of the universe is a part of the mind of God
>> (Universe = part of God, panentheism), somebody else might argue: Mind is
>> what makes a person, so why not call the quasi-mind of the universe God (or
>> a part of God)? Though this argument only works within pan(en)theism, as
>> other theists would miss the causal creational aspect. They also believe in
>> God as the "unmoved mover", but Peirce´s Tychism rather suggests that he is
>> a moved mover. But Tychism is not based on arguments either I think, just
>> on abduction from small scale to biggest possible scale.
>> Best,
>> Helmut
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