On 12/18/2018 7:04 AM, Stephen Curtiss Rose wrote:
[JFS] A monad P says "This chunk of experience is a P."
A dyad R says "This chunk is related to that chunk by R."
A triad M says "The mediator M relates this chunk to that chunk."

I would suggest:

A monad is stands on its own, a subject, idea, sign which we a name Reality. All is real.

A dyad is an Index of ethical reflections on Reality we name Ethics.

(Thinking that designates opposites as the whole of any matter is binary or dyadic or dualistic.)

A triad considers Reality and Ethics in terms of their relation to truth and beauty fused -- Aesthetics.

Peirce's terminology of medad, monad, dyad, triad, tetrad, pentad...
is based on the number of "pegs" attached to the name of any relation
(or relative) in existential graphs.  After he introduced those terms
in logic, he discussed their use in various applications, especially

But it's necessary to distinguish the kinds of relations
(or relatives) as formal logic from the way that any statement
of that logic happens to use them in a particular application.

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