Jon S, Gary R, List,

On my reading of the last lecture of RLT, I think it is an error to suggest 
that he is making measurement intrinsic to the definition of those dimensions 
of either time, space or quality. Rather, the thrust of the argument is to 
start with mathematical conceptions and then use them for the sake of 
developing hypotheses in metaphysical cosmology. In doing so, he moves from the 
consideration of metrical geometries, to projective geometry to topology.

In doing so, he is setting metrical considerations to the side and focusing 
primarily on topological matters. It is clear that the topological 
points--including those about the possible dimensions of a such a malleable 
space in which such things straigntness, length and degree of angle are not 
preserved across transformations--are being used to clarify a mathematical 
conception of continuity. He is then putting that refined notion of continuity 
to use as he engages with questions about the origins and evolution of the 
universe. The questions he is trying to answer include the following. How many 
dimensions of time, space and quality where there early in the history of the 
universe? How many dimensions of each are there now. How did the number of 
dimensions change over time?

Jon quoted two passages in that last lecture:

CSP:  A continuum may have any discrete multitude of dimensions whatsoever. lf 
the multitude of dimensions surpasses all discrete multitudes there cease to be 
any distinct dimensions. I have not as yet obtained a logically distinct 
conception of such a continuum. Provisionally, I identify it with the uralt  
[Ger., ancient], vague generality of the most abstract potentiality. (NEM 
3:111, RLT 253-254; 1898)

CSP:  Let the clean blackboard be a sort of diagram of the original vague 
potentiality, or at any rate of some early stage of its determination. This is 
something more than a figure of speech; for after all continuity is generality. 
This blackboard is a continuum of two dimensions, while that which it stands 
for is a continuum of some indefinite multitude of dimensions. This blackboard 
is a continuum of possible points; while that is a continuum of possible 
dimensions of quality, or is a continuum of possible dimensions of a continuum 
of possible dimensions of quality, or something of that sort. There are no 
points on this blackboard. There are no dimensions in that continuum. (CP 
6.203, RLT 261; 1898)

Consider the following sentence from the second passage:  "This blackboard is a 
continuum of possible points; while that is a continuum of possible dimensions 
of quality, or is a continuum of possible dimensions of a continuum of possible 
dimensions of quality, or something of that sort."

For the sake of engaging in inquiry in cosmological metaphysics, I would make a 
distinction between the dimensions of real space at some point in the evolution 
of the cosmos, and the dimensions of the qualities of the objects in space. As 
far as I can tell, he is offering a hypothesis about the number of dimensions 
of (1) time, (2) space and (3) of the various qualities that were present early 
in the history of the cosmos. It looks to me like he is arguing that each 
started with a dimensions that were vague in character and not distinctly 
separated--one from another. Over time, as the cosmos evolved, those dimensions 
became (a) more determinate and (b) fewer in number.

If we go back far enough, we arrive at a vague potentiality as a kind of 
hypothetical "beginning of all things." This vague conception of potentiality 
functions as a kind of starting point in the explanations being offered. My 
assumption is that, in this vague potentiality, there might have been--for 
instance--potential energy, but there was no kinetic energy. That potential 
energy might have taken different qualities, such as a particular charge or a 
particular spin, but there was no actual object having any determinate charge 
or spin. There might have been a potential for space and time having 
dimensions, but there were no actual things moving around in space and time. 
How many dimensions did this potential have? An indefinite vague multitude. The 
dimensions were continuous. There were uncountable, to say the least.

In saying that the dimensions of space, time and quality were potential and not 
actual, I do not take him to be saying that the dimensions were not real. 
Possibles may, on Peirce's account, be real things. I take this starting point, 
which is explicated in terms of a conception of vague potentiality, as a kind 
of limiting idea. One thing he is trying to accomplish in clarifying such a 
limiting idea is to arrive at something that doesn't call out for further 
explanation. If someone asks, why does the original vague potentiality have the 
characteristics it does? His answer is:  that doesn't need a further 
explanation. It can be illustrated using diagrams. He is offering analogy to 
the effect that the vague potentiality is like an empty chalkboard before any 
chalk streaks have been drawn on its surface. Some philosophers might claim 
that Peirce is wrong to think the original vague potentiality doesn't need a 
further explanation, but I take that to be the view he is exploring in this 
last lecture.


Jeffrey Downard
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
Northern Arizona University
(o) 928 523-8354

From: Gary Richmond <>
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2019 1:24 PM
To: Peirce-L
Subject: Re: Re: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Peirce and the Big Bang

Jon, Jeff, List,

This message is meant to solicit clarification on what seems to be the thrust 
of Jon's argument in support of a dimensionless ur-continuity. My question is: 
Am I clearly grasping what you're getting at, Jon? You wrote near the end of 
your post:

JAS: What I notice is that measurement is evidently intrinsic to the definition 
of dimension, except for the particular mathematical usage mentioned in the 
first one, where "the idea of measurement is quite extraneous."

Again, I would tend to strongly with your suggestion that:

JAS: ". . . discrete dimensions are arbitrary and artificial creations of 
thought for that purpose, rather than real characters of space-time in itself."

You continued:

JAS: [. . .] The linked video [which Jeff earlier provided] about higher 
numbers of dimensions employs the same "bottom-up" analytic approach, using the 
real number line--what Peirce called a "pseudo-continuum"--as the basis for 
defining each individual dimension.

I would take it, then, that "pseudo-continuua," are most certainly of 
analytical value as long as one remembers, as you have been positing recently 
(and I agree) that:

JAS: . . .discrete dimensions are arbitrary and artificial creations of thought 
for that [analytical] purpose, rather than real characters of space-time in 

You then asked if dimensionality would even apply in a "top-down" approach and 
suggested that it may not, offering a Peirce quotation in support of your 
suggestion :

JAS: What might it look like to adopt a "top-down" synthetic approach instead?  
Would the familiar notion of dimensions even apply?  Maybe not, according to 

CSP:  A continuum may have any discrete multitude of dimensions whatsoever. lf 
the multitude of dimensions surpasses all discrete multitudes there cease to be 
any distinct dimensions. I have not as yet obtained a logically distinct 
conception of such a continuum. Provisionally, I identify it with the uralt  
[Ger., ancient], vague generality of the most abstract potentiality. (NEM 
3:111, RLT 253-254; 1898)

You then quoted Peirce on the 'blackboard' as a metaphor for the original,  or, 

CSP:  Let the clean blackboard be a sort of diagram of the original vague 
potentiality, or at any rate of some early stage of its determination. This is 
something more than a figure of speech; for after all continuity is generality. 
This blackboard is a continuum of two dimensions, while that which it stands 
for is a continuum of some indefinite multitude of dimensions. This blackboard 
is a continuum of possible points; while that is a continuum of possible 
dimensions of quality, or is a continuum of possible dimensions of a continuum 
of possible dimensions of quality, or something of that sort. There are no 
points on this blackboard. There are no dimensions in that continuum. (CP 
6.203, RLT 261; 1898)

JAS: Rather than "a vague infinity of dimensions," there are no distinct 
dimensions-- no defnite dimensions--no discrete dimensions at all in the 
original continuum that is fundamental to the constitution of being.

So, finally getting back to my question: Are you suggesting that it is only in 
the in the aboriginal (from Latin<> 
origine<> --“from the beginning”) 
continuum that there are no discrete dimensions? That makes sense to me; and, 
of course, it has significant implications for what you and I have been arguing 
regarding Peirce's late view of the situation of the earliest cosmos; namely, 
that ur-continuity is quasi-necessarily primal in the constitution of reality, 
including, of course, existential being on "time is."


Gary R

Gary Richmond
Philosophy and Critical Thinking
Communication Studies
LaGuardia College of the City University of New York

On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 10:12 PM Jon Alan Schmidt 
<<>> wrote:
Jeff, List:

JD:  Peirce provides definitions for dimension, dimensional and dimensionality 
in the Century Dictionary.

Thanks for pointing this out; it did not occur to me to look there 
  Here is his first definition of "dimension."

CSP:  Magnitude measured along a diameter; the measure through a body or closed 
figure along one of its principal axes; length, breadth, or thickness. Thus, a 
line has one dimension, length; a plane surface two, length and breadth; and a 
solid three, length, breadth, and thickness. The number of dimensions being 
equal to the number of principal axes, and that to the number of independent 
directions of extension, it has become usual, in mathematics, to express the 
number of ways of spread of a figure by saying that it has two, three, or n 
dimensions, although the idea of measurement is quite extraneous to the fact 
expressed. The word generally occurs in the plural, referring to length, 
breadth, and thickness. (CD 1621)

Here is his second definition of "dimension."

CSP:  A mode of linear magnitude involved (generally along with others) in the 
quantity to which it belongs. (a) In alg., a variable factor, the number of 
dimensions of an expression being the number of variable factors in that term 
for which this number is the largest. (b) In phys., a linear measure of length, 
time, mass, or any kind of quantity regraded as a fundamental factor of the 
quantity of which it is a dimension. (ibid)

Here is his first definition of "dimensional."

CSP:  Pertaining to extension in space; having a dimension or dimensions; 
measurable in one or more directions: used in composition: as, a line is a 
one-dimensional, a surface a two-dimensional, and a solid a three-dimensional 
object. (ibid)

Finally, here is his only definition of "dimensionality."

CSP:  The number of dimensions of a quantity. (ibid)

He provides two other definitions for "dimension," and a second one for 
"dimensional," but they do not strike me as relevant to this discussion.

JD:  Nothing jumps out at me in the definitions offered, but it is worth noting 
that he does make a distinction between the dimensions of a mathematical space 
and that of a physical space.

Where exactly do you see Peirce making that specific distinction?  The word 
"space" appears only once, in a way that seems applicable to both the 
mathematical and physical senses.  What I notice is that measurement is 
evidently intrinsic to the definition of dimension, except for the particular 
mathematical usage mentioned in the first one, where "the idea of measurement 
is quite extraneous."  This is consistent with my suggestion that discrete 
dimensions are arbitrary and artificial creations of thought for that purpose, 
rather than real characters of space-time in itself.

Moreover, the second definition hints at why we typically count dimensions with 
whole numbers--we begin with "linear magnitude," and then build up additional 
discrete dimensions from there.  The linked video about higher numbers of 
dimensions employs the same "bottom-up" analytic approach, using the real 
number line--what Peirce called a "pseudo-continuum"--as the basis for defining 
each individual dimension.  What might it look like to adopt a "top-down" 
synthetic approach instead?  Would the familiar notion of dimensions even 
apply?  Maybe not, according to Peirce.

CSP:  A continuum may have any discrete multitude of dimensions whatsoever. lf 
the multitude of dimensions surpasses all discrete multitudes there cease to be 
any distinct dimensions. I have not as yet obtained a logically distinct 
conception of such a continuum. Provisionally, I identify it with the uralt 
vague generality of the most abstract potentiality. (NEM 3:111, RLT 253-254; 

The first three statements reflect his mistaken "supermultitudinous" conception 
of continuity, but his later "topological" (or "topical") theory would 
similarly require the dimensions (parts) of a perfect continuum to be 
indefinite unless and until they are "marked off."  Nevertheless, the 
development of "point-set topology" indicates that the lure of discreteness 
remains strong in contemporary mathematics, even within the branch that Peirce 
described as "the full account of all forms of Continuity" (NEM 2:626; 1905).  
The fourth statement brings us back to the subject of this thread, obviously 
anticipating what "the clean blackboard" represents later in the same 
lecture--primordial 3ns, or what Gary R. has called "the ur-continuity."

CSP:  Let the clean blackboard be a sort of diagram of the original vague 
potentiality, or at any rate of some early stage of its determination. This is 
something more than a figure of speech; for after all continuity is generality. 
This blackboard is a continuum of two dimensions, while that which it stands 
for is a continuum of some indefinite multitude of dimensions. This blackboard 
is a continuum of possible points; while that is a continuum of possible 
dimensions of quality, or is a continuum of possible dimensions of a continuum 
of possible dimensions of quality, or something of that sort. There are no 
points on this blackboard. There are no dimensions in that continuum. (CP 
6.203, RLT 261; 1898)

Rather than "a vague infinity of dimensions," there are no distinct 
dimensions--no definite dimensions--no discrete dimensions at all in the 
original continuum that is fundamental to the constitution of being.


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman<> -<>

On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 3:48 PM Jeffrey Brian Downard 
<<>> wrote:

Jon S, Gary F, List,

Peirce provides definitions for dimension, dimensional and dimensionality in 
the Century Dictionary. Nothing jumps out at me in the definitions offered, but 
it is worth noting that he does make a distinction between the dimensions of a 
mathematical space and that of a physical space.

For the sake of understanding the points made in the last lecture of RLT, the 
discussion of topological dimensions in the EM and the NEM are particularly 
helpful resources. There, Peirce describes the various ways that a particle can 
be moved from a point, a filament from a line, etc. This is consonant with the 
contemporary way of talking about the dimensions of a topological space in 
terms of the degrees of freedom that something can be moved.

Those mathematical ideas can be applied to physical space by asking questions 
about how something like an atom or a sub-atomic particle might be able to 
move. My sense is that Peirce is thinking in terms of continuous spatial fields 
as being more fundamental than discrete particles.

Cosmologically speaking, the permanence of something like a Hydrogen atom is 
explained in terms of the parts (e.g., the proton) of that whole evolving from 
something more basic. So, if we consider something like an extremely 
high-temperature plasma in which the particles (e.g., the quarks, leptons and 
bosons) are moving relatively freely in relation to one another, then it is 
helpful to think of those "particles" as spread areas of charge in a field.

If we think of the laws of physics as evolving in the early stages of the 
development of the universe, how might we envision gravity, and the strong and 
weak forces operating in a relatively dense plasma? More to the point, how 
might we envision the laws of time and space evolving where the universe is 
comprised of a dense plasma of charged areas in a multi-dimensional field?

In order to conceive of the evolution of time and space as involving a trend 
having a decrease in number from a vague infinity of dimensions to a more 
determinate number (e.g., from more than 100, to 12, to 10 to 4), we need some 
kind of tools to picture how this might work. Two of the resources that Peirce 
worked with in his various studies of topology, projective geometry and 
metrical geometries are Riemannian manifolds and Klein groups.

Those probably give us what we need for thinking, at least in broad terms, 
about the character of the dimensions of a space that are (1) vague and (2) 
infinite. Setting aside metrical considerations (which will naturally make 
things more vague), the question becomes a matter of explaining how a 
topological space (which may be folded, knotted and twisted in many ways) might 
evolve into a space that has projective characteristics (where there is 
"straightness" or homoloidal properties, but no preservation of angles or 
lengths under transformations).

If you will, let me think out loud using very rough terms about how some of the 
characteristics of sub-atomic particles in a plasma might change as those 
particles move through a space of high dimensions. What follows is conjectural 
in character. In the case of a real physical space that is highly folded, 
knotted and twisted, where the "particles" are charged areas that move through 
the space, how should we conceive of the dimensionality of such a space in the 
initial phases where the laws of time and space themselves are evolving as the 
number of dimensions of that space decrease?

It helps, I think to distinguish between the global character of such a space 
and its local character. Locally speaking, I imagine that the charged areas 
might "break up" into smaller areas as they move through different "branches" 
(i.e., handles, like a hole in a torus) that may twist (i.e., cross caps, as 
with a Mobius band) and that are knotted together and then recombine with other 
moving charged areas.

We tend to think of subatomic particles (e.g., quarks) as having relatively 
fixed masses (voltages). Neutrinos, on the other hand, have mass values that 
are simply less than a particular voltage value. This seems to imply that they 
have an amount of energy that may vary, perhaps up to some limit. Furthermore, 
I suspect the value of the charge and perhaps the value of the spin (the 
angular momentum) of the charged areas moving through a field may change as the 
charged area moves through a twist in the space.

How might we study something as complex as a highly folded, twisted and knotted 
space? As with any kind of relatively complex topological space, it helps to 
decompose that space into its component parts. As such, we can focus on one 
simpler two-dimensional surface at a time, and then think about the various 
ways such surfaces might be connected. What is more, we can think of the 
possible paths that things might travel on that surface as edges in a graph. 
Those, I suspect, are kinds of the techniques we might profitably employ to 
study the question of how the dimensions of space and time might have evolved 
in the early history of the cosmos.

Thanks for your patience as I've tried to talk out loud. In order to make any 
progress in cosmological metaphysics, we will need to make a transition from 
these sorts of conjectural musings on matters of cosmological physics to 
something that is easier to get one's mind around. As such, in a future post, 
I'd like to take up some graph-theoretical explorations of how we might think 
about the dimensions of space and time. In doing so, the aim will be to create 
some kind of diagram that helps to picture how time and space might be evolving 
from a vague infinity of dimensions to a more determinate and smaller number of 

Jeffrey Downard
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
Northern Arizona University
(o) 928 523-8354
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