Dear John,

I actually like the sound (if not the fuzy) of “prebit”,
there's a lot of potential for playing off QM's “qubit”,
and I once coined the term “ambit” for an ambiguous bit.

But seriously, Folks, my tone may be comic ironic but the underlying
sentiment is straightforward enough.  I've been consistent in the way
I read Peirce since my first encounters with his work over 50 years ago,
the same way I read every other mathematician or scientist worth reading,
doyen or pioneer or otherwise.  Of all the things they say or write, some
things can be proven logically, some things can be supported experimentally,
and then there's a host of approximations, beliefs, conjectures, hypotheses,
impressions, popular expositions, rhetorical parables, speculations, ad inf.

If the thinker in question is worth reading at all then all of that is worth
reading in the proper light, but it takes the due sort of intellectual prism
to sort it all out.



On 9/3/2021 12:31 PM, sowa wrote:
Jon A,

  I  detect a prebit of irony in your note.

  Although I respect Peirce's ethics of terminology and observe his
  recommendations when they are appropriate and realistic, I also
  know that most of them have died on the vine of common sense.

  If Peirce had owned an automobile, he would have called it an
  autokineto.  Greece is the only country in the world that uses
  the word 'autokineto'.


  From: "Jon Awbrey" <>
Sent: Friday, September 3, 2021 12:01 PM
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] André De Tienne: Slow Read Slide 39

Yes, yes, the tao that is signed is not the true tao ...
I have the fondest nostalgia for my Be Here Now days
when we all cleansed the Doors Of Our Perceptions at
every available opportunity and strove to attain the
Purity Of Thoughtlessness. And yes, a bit or prebit
of meditation now and again makes for a healthy mind.
But been there then, did that when, and I know where
it ends - the science unsigned is not a true science.



On 9/3/2021 10:11 AM, wrote:
Continuing our slow read on phaneroscopy, here is the next slide of André De Tienne's 
slideshow posted on the Peirce Edition Project ( 
<> site. It is mostly a 
gloss on the term Prebit introduced by Peirce late in 1909 (previous slide).

Gary f.


. Prebit comes from praebitum < praebere in Latin, which is a contraction of praehabere 
(and of course habere gives habitum, whence "habit").

. Praebere means to give, grant, fumish, supply; to occasion, exhibit. A 
praebitum or prebit is something like the datum, a term Peirce mentioned but 
did not want to use because it was already too loaded with undesired meanings.

. He thought prebit was superior to phaneron (in the particular sense) because 
he came to realize that there were certain elements of experience that could 
not be said to be manifest in any legitimate way (such as certain mathematical 
entities) even though they were part and parcel of what experience supplied.

. Once could also reason that prebit is a pre-habitum: the datum one has not 
become used to yet, before it has turned into, or been submitted to, a 
filtering habit.


The Phaneron is NOT A SIGN!

Yet, . Signs are phaneral!

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