I *strongly* agree with your analysis, Malgosia.



On 3/11/12, malgosia askanas <m...@panix.com> wrote:
> Irving wrote, quoting Peirce MS L75:35-39:
>>"Deduction is only of value in tracing out the consequences of
>>hypotheses, which it regards as pure, or unfounded, hypotheses.
>>Deduction is divisible into sub-classes in various ways, of which the
>>most important is into corollarial and theorematic. Corollarial
>>deduction is where it is only necessary to imagine any case in which
>>the premisses are true in order to perceive immediately that the
>>conclusion holds in that case. Ordinary syllogisms and some deductions
>>in the logic of relatives belong to this class. Theorematic deduction
>>is deduction in which it is necessary to experiment in the imagination
>>upon the image of the premiss in order from the result of such
>>experiment to make corollarial deductions to the truth of the
>>conclusion. The subdivisions of theorematic deduction are of very high
>>theoretical importance. But I cannot go into them in this statement."
>>[...] Peirce's characterization of theorematic and corrolarial
>>deduction would seem, on the basis of this quote, to have to do with
>>whether the presumption that the premises of a deductive argument or
>>proof are true versus whether they require to be established to be
>>true [...]
> I would disagree with this reading of the Peirce passage.  It seems
> to me that the distinction he is making is, rather, between (1) the case
> where the conclusion can be seen to follow from the premisses
> by virtue of the "logical form" alone, as in "A function which is continuous
> on a closed interval is continuous on any subinterval of that interval"
> (whose truth is obvious without requiring us to imagine any continuous
> function or any interval), and (2) the case where the deduction of the
> conclusions from the premisses requires turning one's imagination
> upon, and experimenting with, the actual mathematical objects
> of which the theorem speaks, as in "A function which is continuous
> on a closed interval is bounded on that interval".
> -malgosia
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Gary Richmond
Humanities Department
Philosophy and Critical Thinking
Communication Studies
LaGuardia College--City University of New York

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