Thanks Ben. I heartily concur on dropping the thread. There is little 
indication that anyone is interested in the specific H. Sluga paper or the 
priority principle as put forth in that paper.  Jim W
 Date: Fri, 11 May 2012 22:42:12 -0400
Subject: Re: [peirce-l] Frege against the Booleans


    Sorry, I'm just getting more confused. I've actually seen "a",
      "b", etc. called "constants" as opposed to "variables" such as
      "x", "y", etc. Constant individuals and variable individuals, so
      to speak, anyway in keeping with the way the words "constant" and
      "variable" seem to be used in opposition to each other in math.
      But if that's not canonical, then it's not canonical. Also, I
      thought "F" was a predicate term, a "dummy letter", and at any
      rate a "(unknown or veiled) constant" as I would have called it up
      till a few minutes ago.  I thought "~" was a functor that makes a
      new predicate "~F" out of the predicate "F". If "~" and the other
      functors are logical constants, then isn't the predication
      relationship between "F" and "x" in "Fx" also a logical constant,
      though it has no separate symbol? Really, I think the case is
      hopeless. I need to read a book on the subject.

    I don't see why conceptual analysis would start with the third
      trichotomy of signs (rheme, dicisign, argument) and move to the
      first trichotomy of signs (qualisign, sinsign, legisign). Maybe
      you mean that conceptual analysis would start with Third in the
      trichotomy of rheme, dicisign, argument and move to that
      trichotomy's First. I.e. move from argument back to rheme. But I
      don't see why the conceptual-analysis approach would prefer that

    On your P.S., I don't know whether you're making a distinction
      between propositions and sentences.

    Thanks but this all seems hopeless! Let's drop this sub-thread
      for at least 24 hours.

    Best, Ben 

    On 5/11/2012 10:06 PM, Jim Willgoose wrote:


        I made it too complicated. Sorry. It didn't help that "/-" was
        brought into the discussion.  You had the basic idea earlier
        with dicent and rheme. Fx and Fa have to be kept together.
        So, the interpretant side of the semiotic relation has priority.
        Conceptual  analysis would move from the "third trichotomy" back
        to the first. Synthesis would move from the first to the
        third. If this is close, the priority principle would place
        emphasis on the whole representation. (By the way, "F" is a
        function and "a" is an individual, ~+--> are the logical


        Jim W


        PS If words have meaning only in sentences (context principle),
        does this mean that term, class, and propositional logics are

          Date: Fri, 11 May 2012 20:30:53 -0400


          Subject: Re: [peirce-l] Frege against the Booleans



          Hi, Jim,

          Sorry, I'm not following you here. "F" and "a" look like
          logical constants in the analysis. I don't know how you're
          using "v", and so on.  I don't know why there's a question
          raised about taking the judgment as everything that implies
          it, or as everything that it implies. Beyond those things,
          maybe you're suggesting, that Frege didn't take judgments as
          mere fragments of inferences, because he wasn't aware of some
          confusion that would be clarified by taking judgments as mere
          fragments of inferences? But I'm afraid we're just going to
          have to admit that I'm in over my head.

          Best, Ben

          On 5/11/2012 7:36 PM, Jim Willgoose wrote:


              I suppose you could take the judgment as everything which
              implies it. (or is implied by it) In this way, you could
              play around with the "judgment stroke" and treat meaning
              as inferential. But, using a rule of substitution and
              instantiation, I could show the content of the following
              judgment without any logical constants


              /- ExFx

              Fa x=a



              But if I say vx, is v "a" or is it another class "G?"
              Further, "vx" is a logical product.  The above analysis
              has no logical constants.  I guess the point is that once
              you segment Fx and then talk of two interpretations;
              boolean classes or propositions, you create some confusion
              which Frege (according to Sluga) traces back to favoring
              concepts over judgments with resulting totalities such as
              m+n+o+p that are not rich enough, lacking in meaning and
              content. But this is in 1882.


              Jim W

                Date: Fri, 11 May 2012 16:41:32


                Subject: Re: [peirce-l] Frege against the Booleans



                Hi, Jim

                Thanks, but I'm afraid that a lot of this is over my
                head. Boolean quantifier 'v' ? Is that basically the
                backward E? A 'unity' class? Is that a class with just
                one element?  Well, be that as it may, since I'm
                floundering here, still I take it that Frege did not
                view a judgment as basically fragment of an inference,
                while Peirce viewed judgments as parts of inferences; he
                didn't think that there was judgment except by inference
                (no 'intuition' devoid of determination by inference).


                Best, Ben


                On 5/11/2012 3:08 PM, Jim Willgoose wrote:

                   Hi Ben;


                    My interest was historical (and philosophical) in
                    the sense of what did they say about the developing
                    work of symbolic logic in their time. The period is
                    roughly 1879-1884. The anchor was two references by
                    Irving (the historian of logic) to Van Heijenhoort
                    and Sluga as worthy start points.  But the issue of
                    simply language/calculus(?) need not be the end.
                    This is not a Frege or Logic forum per se, but I
                    wanted to keep the thread alive and focused on
                    symbolic logic because I get curious how the (darn)
                    textbook came about periodically. 


                    The "priority principle," as extracted by
                    Sluga, with Frege following Kant, takes the judgment
                    as ontologically, epistemologically, and
                    methodologically primary. Concepts are not. 


                    I will suppose, for now, that the content of a
                    judgment is obscured in a couple of ways. First, if
                    you treat the concept as the extension of classes,
                    and then treat the class as a unity class or use the
                    Boolean quantifier "v" for a part of a class, you
                    end up with an abstract logic that shows only the
                    logical relations of the propositional fragment.
                    (especially if the extensions of classes are truth


                    Frege might say that this obscures the content of
                    the judgment. Thus, I would say that the
                    propositional fragment is not primary at all for
                    Frege, and is just a special case.


                    You are on to something with the rheme and dicisign.
                    But in 1879, the systems of symbolic logic did not
                    appreciate the propositional function, the
                    unrestricted nature of the quantifier, and the
                    confusion that results from a lack of analysis of a
                    judgment and the poverty of symbolism for expressing
                    the results of the analysis.


                    Jim W



                      Date: Fri, 11 May 2012
                      12:24:33 -0400


                      Subject: Re: [peirce-l] Frege against the Booleans

                      To: PEIRCE-L@LISTSERV.IUPUI.EDU


                      Jim, Jon, list, 


                      I'm following this with some interest but I know
                      little of Frege or the history of logic. Peirce
                      readers should note that this question of priority
                      regarding concept vs. judgment is, in Peirce's
                      terms, also a question regarding rheme vs.
                      dicisign and, more generally, First vs. Second (in
                      the rheme-dicisign-argument trichotomy).


                      Is the standard placement of propositional logic
                      as prior to term logic, predicate calculus, etc.,
                      an example of the Fregean prioritization? 


                      Why didn't Frege regard a judgment as a 'mere'
                      segment of an inference and thus put inference as
                      prior to judgment? 


                      I suppose that one could restate an inference such
                      as 'p ergo q' as a judgment 'p proves q' such that
                      the word 'proves' is stipulated to connote
                      soundness (hence 'falsehood proves falsehood'
                      would be false), thus rephrasing the inference as
                      a judgment; then one could claim that judgment is
                      prior to inference, by having phrased inference as
                      a particular kind of judgment. Some how I don't
                      picture Frege going to that sort of trouble.


                      Anyway it would be at the cost of not expressing,
                      but leaving as implicit (i.e., use but don't
                      mention), the movement of the reasoner from
                      premiss to conclusion, which cost is actually
                      accepted when calculations are expressed as
                      equalities ("3+5 = 8") rather than as some sort of
                      term inference ('3+5, ergo equivalently, 8'). 


                      If either of you can clarify these issues, please

                      Best, Ben


                      On 5/11/2012 11:41 AM, Jim Willgoose wrote:




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