Ben, list,

this thread on "The New Elements of Mathematics" started with Charles Peirce writing:

"None of them approved of my book, because it put perspective before metrical geometry, and topical
geometry before either."

Even today if one would consider to engage in the project of writing such a book, one should really think twice. Nobody has a really good idea how to write it and if it were written, nobody would understand it, and if one would understand it, one would have to unlearn lots of things one already knows and that only
for a curiosity.

One criterion for scientific progress is, that a new theory should explain everything that the preceding
ones explained and something else besides (ha!).

Charles was, together with his father Benjamin Peirce, part of a movement in 19th Century mathematics called "Universal Algebra". Others were e.g. William Rowan Hamilton and Hermann Grassmann. All of them or their followers erected a "philosophy" on their mathematical ideas, by the way.

What Felix Klein has written about Hermann Grassman's Ausdehnungslehre ("Theory of Extension") in his "Lectures on the Development of Mathematics in 19th Century" (1926) applies to Charles Peirce too and is still considered relevant today. The main point is on page 178 in my Springer Reprint of Klein's book (I
believe there exists an English translation too).

It is this:

The grand project in mathematics for much more than a century now has been "arithmetization, i.e. to reduce mathematical structures to the abstract structure of the natural numbers. If you put the continuous before the discrete, then you are not alone in history, but nobody has as yet really succeeded with such a project. The problem is, simplistically speaking, that, starting with a continuum, you will have great difficulties to introduce discrete entities, except by way of an arbitrary addition. So the relevant book today is David Hilbert's "Grundlagen der Geometrie (Foundations of Geometry). There are today followers of the other approach, especially in Grassmann's footsteps, e.g. David Hestenes with his "Geometric Calculus and "Geometric Algebra, but their success, despite some very striking simplifications and insights, till today is quite limited. It is more or less regarded as a curiosity,
some "flashes of brilliant light relieved against Cimmerian darkness��� ...

On the other hand there is in Sir Roger Penrose's "Road to Reality (now we come to the noble celebrities) an introductory chapter on "The roots of science and especially "Three worlds and three deep mysteries (chap 1.5) with the usual Popperian sermon preached (sorry, Sir Karl Raimund). But one "deep puzzle for Sir Roger is "why mathematical laws should apply to the world with such phenomenal precision. Moreover, it is not just the precision but also the subtle sophistication and mathematical beauty of the successful theories that is profoundly mysterious(p.21).

Finally Roger Penrose writes in this context: "There is, finally, a further mystery concerning figure 1.3, which I have left to the last. I have deliberately drawn the figure so as to illustrate a paradox. How can it be that, in accordance with my own prejudices, each world appears to encompass the next one in its entirety? I do not regard this issue as a reason for abandoning my prejudices, but merely for demonstrating the presence of an even deeper mystery that transcends those that I have been pointing to above. There may be a sense in which the three worlds are not separate at all, but merely reflect, individually, aspects of a deeper truth about the world as a whole of which we have little conception at the present time. We have a long way to go before such matters can be properly illuminated.(pp. 22/23)

Noble words to be considered well! But don't tell Sir Roger about the sign and it's interpretants. That will not do for him. There are a lot of philosophical soap shops out there. You had better understand fully what his problems are in the next 980 or so pages of mathematics and physics that come then, before you
tell him about "The New Elements of Mathematics���.

So what we do with Peirce's work appears to the outside world either as a more or less philatelistic pastime with historical curiosities. It's all good and fine and edifying and very logical except for a few paradoxes here and there, perhaps. Or else you start getting your hands really dirty and do whatever it takes to find out what is going on behind the scenes. We had better find out and make our mistakes as
quickly as possible in order not to flog a dead horse, I believe.

Enough name dropping for now.

Ben, you write:

<begin citation>

1. The idealized system of motions & forces -- classical Newtonian or pure-quantum-system -- is time- symmetric, completely deterministic in the given relevant sense, unmuddled, pure OBJECT to us, information about which object we can only approach indefinitely, as to a limit. 2. The material system is time-nonsymmetric, stochastic-processual, in which the system at a given stage is only ALMOST the system at another given stage, i.e., a SIGN to us of the system at other stage. 3. The vegetable-level biological system is time-nonsymmetric but LOCALLY pointed thermodynamically in the opposite direction from that of its material world, from which it filters order and is an INTERPRETANT to us. 4. The intelligent living system is time-nonsymmetric but INDIVIDUALLY pointed variously in both directions thermodynamically -- as living thing, it filters for order -- as intelligent, it is a sink, retaining sign-rich disorder as recorded -- I don't know how it pulls double-direction "trick" off --
anyway it is a RECOGNITION which we are.

The sign defined by its relationship to recogition is a proxy.

<end citation>

Peirce distinguishes equiparants and disquiparants ("Classification of Simple Relatives; CP 3.136):
"Classification of Simple Relatives (cont.)

"Third, relatives are divisible into those for which every
element of the form (A:B) have another of the form (B:A),
and those which want this symmetry.  This is the old
division into 'equiparants' and 'disquiparants',
or in Professor De Morgan's language, convertible
and inconvertible relatives.  Equiparants are
their own correlatives.  All copulatives are

That was in 1870 ("Description of a notation for the logic of relatives���).

In MS 293 (1906) under the title: "The Logical Form of Identity, he says (I have to retranslate things into English, since I only have Helmut Pape's German translation here before me), considering the question whether it is disquiparancy or equiparancy that is the more fundamental, important, elementary, simple:

"I hold that it is disquiparancy or, rather, it is the opposition or the relation, of which disquiparancy
can be a specialization���.

Sounds ugly, but maybe someone out there can give us the original English text. (My command of English is limited.)

We need something fundamentally asymmetric in physics as you implicitly remark. We need a fundamental asymmetry in logic, since there are such things as memory,
history, time.

I guess we should discuss this "how it pulls double-direction "trick" off" further. No mercy!-) This is very important and something that seems to me to have been neglected as yet!

You write: "anyway it is a RECOGNITION which we are"

This "RECOGNITION effect, this is tremendously important. You've got it! That's it!
We'll get that! We'll get that damned thing out. Be sure.

Ben, you write:

"ERGO: As sign, man is most of all a proxy. At intelligent life's best, only indefinitely approached, intelligent life is a genuine, legitimate proxy acting & deciding on behalf of the ideal, in being determined _by_ the ideal. Intelligent life shouldn't let it go to his/her head, though. Hard it is to be good; harder still to confirm & solidify it by entelechy = by staying good => continual renovation and occasional rearchitecting (entelechy is not necessarily a freeze) amid changing & evolvable conditions.

I fully agree.

Later more,


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