TR:  Thomas Riese
AS:  Arnold Shepperson
TR: Peirce is exactly interested in the relation between isomorphous forms.
His primary relation is the general form of transitivity.

TR: The difference has far reaching, profound implications.

AS:  I agree with you on this.  Contemporary work that exploits transitivity with which I am familiar includes the work on welfarist economics by Arrow and Sen, amongst others.  Lister James Wible (are you there, James?) has noted the very important role transitivity plays in Peirce, especially in the way this relates to the economy of research.  I would venture to suggest (subject to the better sense of those on the list who have greater experince with the MSS than I have) that the notion of a Sign contains the concept of a transitive function, making a very strong case for what Thomas has said on this subject.  Other transitive functions in Peirce can be found in Vols III and IV of the CP (see especially 3.562).
Arnold Shepperson
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