Benjamin Udell wrote:

You've evaded the question again. So, we can take your default as your tacit 
admission that you don't grasp even the appearance of the categorial 
correlations with the three trichotomies. I suppose that this tacit admission 
of yours is better than nothing, but it is really quite an astonishing 
admission for you to have made. It's not particularly illuminating of the 
philosophical topic when the interlocutor simply abandons the field, but I'll 
take the win.

Best, Ben Udell

Ben, this is not meant to get you angry or anything, but it is my right to have a different opinion. If it also differs from others' it is OK.

The correlation that you mention -- if there is any -- is not used to derive the 10 classes. If there was a correlation it would be interesting but for aesthetic considerations. To take an example it is possible to derive 28 classes of signs on the basis of 6 or 10 trichotomies, without considering any correlation between the trichotomies and the categories.

the most important aspect for deriving the classes are the relations of determination between S, O and I, and the phenomenology of these elements when considering all the possible modes of connections between them. This is where the categories are getting involved, including their degenerate modes.

otherwise for the matter of associating any given trichotomy with a category I would associate it with thirdness, because a trichotomy always involves 3 things.

And I would associate dichotomies with secondness, and non-divisibility with firstness, monads.


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