This discussion is getting very repetitive, so I shortened it.

I wrote:
> >More importantly, I don't see why anyone has to choose between Brezhnev and
> >Putin. Why can't we reject both?

Louis responds:
>Because postcapitalist economies function like trade unions--they offer 
>working people protection against the ravages of the free market.

Not all of them do. Look at Pol Pot's Democratic Kampuchea, which replaced 
one ravage for another. No matter how many the Khmer Rouge killed, it's 
more than in the average capitalist country.

>I would choose Jimmy Hoffa against a break-up of the Teamsters at the 
>hands of the FBI.

Is this the only choice? what about if the TDU were to really take control?

To repeat myself (again!), the problem with the corrupt "trade unions" that 
ruled Eastern Europe is that they undermined their own popular support, 
making them prone to overthrow, from within and without.


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