----- Original Message -----
From: "Yoshie Furuhashi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>It is possible that some American liberals & leftists actually
>understood the essence of the American Prince's role in the Yugoslav
>civil wars (and what happened before and after them) and said with
>open eyes, "yes, in the main this is about the American Prince
>acquiring new sphere of influence, but the American Prince will be a
>more progressive Prince than a Yugoslav Prince," but I doubt it.  To
>my knowledge, only Chris Burford has made this line of argument.

Just curious about the classification system here, since I thought this was
pretty much my argument throughout the Kosovo intervention.  Chris and I no
doubt have differences in interpretation and policy, but we agree on the
general issue that US policy can be both imperialistic and, in certain
circumstances, more progressive by its intervention than by its absence.

-- Nathan Newman

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