>>As is always the case with these debates, I can't resist the urge to
>>ask - so what? Why is the value controversy so important? Why is it
>>so important for Justin to reject it and Rakesh to defend it?
>This started with a brief remark. Then someone asked me to explain 
>why I reject the LTV. Then the roof fell in. Rakesh wouldn't even 
>let me back out of a discussion that (to be frank) doesn't interest 
>me much. I did spend some time on value theoey, came to the 
>conclusions I've had to adumbrate here, and never even wrote much on 
>it because it was evident to be that the only pepople who werereally 
>interestedw ere the true believers, and I wasn't going to persuade 
>_them_. So, I agree, it's not that important.

A contemptuous comment.

You're not persuading us not because we are true believers but 
because your reasons (redundancy, transformation problem) are not as 
strong as you think they are.


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