----- Original Message -----
From: "Doug Henwood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Don't forget the U.S.'s junior partners, like Canada, the EU, and
> Japan, who sometimes act as if they're above the imperial screwing
> even as they benefit from it.
> Doug


Not long after 9-11 there was a  "town hall" type meeting in Europe
featuring a woman from the Council on Foreign Relations [if I remember
correctly] that was broadcast on late night radio in Seattle. Anyway, she
brought up the US as the world's cop [strange how the imperialists see
their role] while the cost of doing so fell on US taxpayers, Europe, Japan
Canada etc. reaped the benefits in terms of social safety net expenditures
that didn't have to go to weapon systems. She asserted that over time,
those countries standard of living would simply surpass the US, if they
haven't already because the weapons systems etc. were only going to get
more and more expensive and this could, in turn lead to a resentment on
the part of US taxpayers vis a vis those countries and that when that day
comes, watch out.


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