Walking thru the Art Gallery of Ontario with a friend, she commented on
the wall of contributors as we were leaving. I said, off-handedly, it
was a "wall of people with too much money." She said it was _because_ of
these people that we had just enjoyed a couple hours. I said that was
technically true, but, if we just took all that wealth off them, we
could give it to ourselves and use that wall for something else.

She laughed, and we headed for lunch.

It was just an impromptu aside as we left.

But, through lunch, I was wondering what the flow of funds would mean in
straight fiscal terms, both in terms of squandered excess and
misdirected investment.

(A tiny group, they would not be missed in any social sense -- they
prefer invisibility anyway.)

If that toppermost wealthy elite were packed off on an ice-floe
(Canadian tradition with elders) and the economic "function" they had
previously provided were simply thrown into some (for immediate email
purposes) vaguely-defined pool that was equally-vaguely controlled by
some lever of elected body...

Would life be any better?


An idealist is a person who helps other people to be prosperous.
          -- Henry Ford

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