Wednesday, January 14th, 2004
I’ll Be Voting For Wesley Clark / Good-Bye Mr. Bush — by Michael Moore

Many of you have written to me in the past months asking, "Who are you going to vote for this year?"

I have decided to cast my vote in the primary for Wesley Clark. That's right, a peacenik is voting for a general. What a country!

I believe that Wesley Clark will end this war. He will make the rich pay their fair share of taxes. He will stand up for the rights of women, African Americans, and the working people of this country.


Tonight I heard Moore on Wolf Blitzer's CNN news show explaining why he had made this decision. It was truly pathetic and a reminder of the deep flaws of the American left. When you combine a deep pragmatist streak, a two-party system that is rooted in the early days of the republic and betrayal (I use the word advisedly) by the Communist Party in the 1930s and 40s when an electoral alternative to the 2 capitalist parties was objectively possible, you end up with this kind of hat-in-hand, self-deception by people who should know better. In Moore's powerful "Bowling for Columbine", there is a segment that points out a very likely connection between the high school massacre and Clinton's assault on Belgrade. That Moore could have put his soul into making such a powerful documentary and then turn around and then sell out to the war criminal Clark tells us that a class-based politics is as urgent as ever. Some day objective conditions will impel a political realignment and the birth of a new party just as the Republican Party came into existence before the Civil War. Those of us who are "impractical" enough to oppose the two capitalist parties today will I'm sure be seen as the true heirs of the abolitionists of that age.

Louis Proyect
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