--- andie nachgeborenen
> Moreover one could imagibe a market society where,
> for
> eaxmple, the corporations did not have undemocratic
> power and wealth, and where the workers managed them
> themselves. Such corporations would be far less
> problematic than the largest ones we have --
> including
> some of my clients.
> jks
I agree, it would be much better, if workers ran and
managed the the firms in which they exploited
themselves for surplus value.  Honestly though,
hasn't the history of creating such entities, like say
Mondragon or the Amana Colony or the kibbutz movement
and all the utopian socialist movements of the past--
co:operatives included--proven that they always morph
into the undemocratic, totalitarian corporate
structures which we see ruling us today?

In other words, hasn't wage-labour always resulted in
the developement of capitalist social relations?

Mike B)

Beers fall into two broad categories:
Those that are produced by
top-fermenting yeasts (ales)
and those that are made with
bottom-fermenting yeasts (lagers).


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