Eugene Coyle writes:
<<This interlocking series of contracts has the right of free speech?
<<I think the series of responses Shemano gives in this thread is sillier than neo-classical micro.  He describes a total <<phantasy world, just as the micro theorists do.  But the world both try to hide is terribly real. 
 <<This stuff is much worse than people have been asked to leave the list over.  Disgusting stuff.  I'd say beneath <<contempt, but I don't know what is lower. 

I have never seen a corporation speak.  I have seen real people speak on behalf of corporations.  Why do you believe that those people do not have a right to speak?
What is that word Marxists like to use to describe unreal objects that people think are real?  Fetish?  You see a bogeyman called a "corporation."  You are fetishing the corporation.  I see tens, hundreds, thousands of contracts between real people intended to actualize a real end.  The entity is an acknowledged legal fiction that minimizes transaction costs.  That is all.  "Exxon" is simply a shorthand way to describe thousands of real people acting in a united way, and the corporate form provides an expedient way of organizing those real people.
What disgusts you?  What is beneath contempt?  What is the fantasy?
David Shemano

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