The below was supposed to be off-list, sorry. jks

--- andie nachgeborenen
> >
> > >  Nash went mad, but you can't
> > argue with his maths.<
> >
> > you can easily argue about the applicability of
> the
> > math. Math doesn't correspond to reality; it only
> > represents the abstract dimension.
> >
> > By the way, Nash is currently deemed sane. And his
> > sanity or insanity has nothing to do with the
> > validity of the Nash equilibrium concept or of
> game
> > theory.
> >
> I actually knew Nash a bit when he was mad. The math
> majors at Tigetown called him the Ghost of Fine
> Hall.
> He would scrawl brilliant and bitingly hilarious
> "formulae" on the blackboards -- not at all like the
> merely wacko stuff depicted in the movie, much
> funnier. Political too. And not right wing.
> Apparently
> he hated Nixon. That wasn't hard, of course. My
> friend
> (at the time, haven't been in touch in years) Dave
> Donoho, now a hotshot stat prof at Stanford, said
> that
> mathematically Nash's crazy "formulae" _almost_ made
> sense.
> Sorry I teed you off about your post on madness, but
> frankly I was surprised to read your remarks about
> GT
> in the context of the Westlake book and your
> substantive post -- reread them yourself and see if
> you can see how someone might understand the point
> the
> way I did. Of course I know it's easy to be
> misconstrued, having had it happy to me a lot. But
> as
> a lawyer I've learned to assume that it's not
> necessarily the other guy's fault -- something I for
> one at least didn't learn as an academic. Maybe you
> have, but if so, given that you know how hard it to
> be
> clear and how easy it is to me misunderstood, maybe
> it
> would be helpful to be less uptight about being
> misunderstood even if it is the other guy's fault.
> For instance, not that I am a shining examplar of
> anything, I said about eight times in my post that
> GT
> was an abstraction, an idealization, and based on
> false premises, and yet apparently I still wasn't
> clear enough. Still, it's not worth getting mad
> about
> . . . .
> jks
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