chromatic wrote:
On Thursday 02 February 2006 10:04, Tyler MacDonald wrote:

A. Pagaltzis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I was just gonna say. It???s pointless for anyone but the author to
check POD or test coverage.

        I agree about the POD coverage. But if I got a different level of
code coverage on somebody else's system than my own? I'd be very interested
in finding out why.

Perhaps this is something PITA could report.

-- c

Just as a datapoint on this topic, the PITA request objects (as of 5 minutes ago) now support the ability to explicitly set environment variables you want set when running the tests, on top of the default-but-overridable ones like AUTOMATED_TESTING (yes, you can turn it off if you really want to).

So any additional tests you want to allow to be enabled by an environment variable, we can help you out with the "on other systems" bit.

Also, if anyone has a good knowledge of Xen, and they let me know?

Adam K

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