David Golden wrote:
> Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> It also makes it technically possible to allow the test to change it's plan
>> mid-stream, though the consequences and interface for that do require some
>> thought.
> With some sugar, that could actually be quite handy for something like
> test blocks.  E.g.:
> {
>   plan add => 2;
>   ok( 1, "wibble" );
>   ok(1, "wobble" );
> }

Yep, something like that.  There will likely be a "change the plan" method in
Test::Builder at minimum.  Right now changing the expected number of tests is
tied to printing out the header.

<Schwern> What we learned was if you get confused, grab someone and swing
          them around a few times
        -- Life's lessons from square dancing

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