Smylers wrote:
>>> It also makes it technically possible to allow the test to change
>>> it's plan mid-stream
>> Without some hypothetical future version of TAP this is only possible
>> if you have run tests before declaring a plan at all, because
>> otherwise the plan will already have been output as the first line of
>> the TAP stream.
> Wasn't there general agreement only a week or so ago to now allow plans
> to be specified at the end rather than the start?  I was presuming that
> Schwern's suggestions were in the light of this other change.

No, that was a much more involved thing which involves nested plans and
multiple plans and such.  This simply takes advantage of the existing ability
to put the plan at the end instead of at the front.

        ok 1
        ok 2


        ok 1
        ok 2

are equivalent test output.  This is how no_plan works and it's been around
since 2001.

Nothing new happened to allow this change, I just never really gave it thought

I have a date with some giant cartoon robots and booze.

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