David Golden <xda...@gmail.com> writes:
> I plan to expand further on this idea of separation at the QA
> Hackathon in the spring (if I don't start working on it sooner).  I'd
> like to get all CPAN clients able to use an index completely separate
> from a given repository, where the index could, for example, provide
> URLs to different repositories, such as internal or external, or CPAN
> and BackPAN, etc.
> Among other things, this would allow a project to freeze (and version
> control) a CPAN index and use it for repeatable deployment of a
> specific dependency chain.

*That* would indeed be a nice thing!
I'm your first beta tester once you need one.

Kind regards,
Steffen Schwigon <s...@renormalist.net>
Dresden Perl Mongers <http://dresden-pm.org/>

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