Aldo and/or Anybody -

  I've gotten back into my GUI Building code (gb) that you greatly
  enhanced.  Thanks.  :)

  I have a few comments and questions.

  If I understand your code correctly, each widget (button, label, etc) must
  be drawn graphically.  On the surface of it, the simple widgets like
  buttons, and checkboxes are not that bad, but when I get into more
  advanced stuff like ListViews I'm going to have my work cut out for me.

  I've managed to get checkboxes, borders and radio buttons working although
  I can't get the "arc" function to draw anything (I need arc to finish off
  the radio button).  Can you send me some sample code which uses arc?

  Is the $DC->DrawEdge function something you wrote which is internal to
  Win32::GUI?  I used it for the checkbox.  

  Question about text width.  When I call:

   ($w, $h)
   = $CWin->GetTextExtentPoint32($text, Win32::GUI::GetStockObject(17));

   The width returned for the text comes back longer than it needs to be. 
   This causes text to be off center on the buttons and extra space after
   the text in a border.  It's as if windows is saying, "this is the most
   space you'll need, not what you're really using".  Anyway to get around

   The flicker and delay problems when moving widgets around went away when
   I removed the 'print' commands.  Guess Windows couldn't keep up writing
   to the DOS window and the GUI window at the same time.

   I still have a couple things to fix but hope to release an update soon.

   Thanks for your help.

   David Hiltz
   Unix System and Network Administrator
   Northeast Fisheries Science Center


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