At 15:23 22/05/2002, Aaron Trevena wrote:
> > Why don't we make a FAQ Auto-responder?
> > It could scan subjects and first ten lines for
> > a FAQ, and if it finds one, send the FAQ answer.
> >
> > So it wouldn't cope with the silliest questions,
> > but should get most....
>Actually its better to include the urls to the archive and the faq in the
>email footer.

That's a very bold statement - can you support it?

>This is especially useful on mailing lists like this.
>Also I can reccomend a well trained infobot on irc - the perl mongers have
>several very well informed infobots that do things like whois and weather
>lookups as well as factoids on all thing perl related (monty python, buffy
>the vampire slayer, photos of drunken perl mongers and camels)

I yet to remain convinced of the relevance of childrens' TV to perl...

Lee Goddard
perl -e "while(1){print rand>0.5?chr 47:chr 92}"

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