>Hi,I have installed Personal Web Server and need a bit of help

Have a look at my web site http://perl.co.nz and look at my perl page for
details on getting Perl working with a PWS.

No Matter how long the Journey.
Every Journey starts with but a single step
Peter Langdon

>I have an Default.htm page with a link on it to a perl script. I would like
>to click on the
>link and have the perl script run - it should just print "test" in html.
>I have tried linking to c:\perl\bin\test.pl or
>c:\webshare\wwwroot\scripts\test.pl but each time
>I get an error message.
>I either get:
>HTTP Error 404
>404 Not Found
>HTTP Error 403
>403.2 Forbidden: Read Access Forbidden
>Does anyone have any suggestions about where I should be putting my scripts
>? Do I need to
>rename c:\webshare\wwwroot\scripts as c:\webshare\wwwroot\cgi-bin ?
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