On 2019-12-03 19:14, Paul Procacci wrote:
echo isn't a great example at all.  echo is both OS and SHELL specific.
Not only that, echo has argv to work with; each with it's own terminating '\0'. It absolutely can be quite literal, though that doesn't stop the implementors from doing whatever they want.

Here's a snippet from my own OS's `man echo`:

      "Most shells provide a builtin echo command which tends to differ from
      this utility in the treatment of options and backslashes.  Consult the
      builtin(1) manual page."

Here's the cruft of it ......

With a single quoted string ..... containing a single quote itself ....... in any given interpreted language ..... with no EOL or EOF in sight ....
How would you let the interpreter know your done?
The answer:  You can't without escaping the single quote.

Some more examples I wrote up.
You'll note, they all use single quotes, yet they all interpret as they absolutely should.

Example Perl 5:
# perl -e "print '\''" ;
# perl -e "print '\\'" ;
# perl -e "print '\a'" ;

Example PHP 7.3:
# php -r "print '\'';"
# php -r "print '\\';"
# php -r "print '\a';"

Example python3.6  **unique**:
# python3.6 -c "print('\'')"
# python3.6 -c "print('\\')"
# python3.6 -c "print('\a')" | hexdump -oc | head -1
0000000  005007

You make a good point.

Bash language may be the exception then:

$ cat echo.sh
echo '\'

linuxutil]$ echo.sh

"echo" does not recognize interpretation unless you invoke
it with -e

$ echo -e '\\'

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