You probably know that GSoC is an annual event where Google provides grants
for students to help develop new stuff in open source organizations.
We participated a couple of years ago, and got a lot of help for the
documentation and other stuff. Last year our application didn't get
through, so let's try again this year.
We participate under the umbrella of the Perl Foundation, so it's Perl or
Raku projects, or any other open source project that's written in any of
these languages.
in this phase, where we prepare the application, we need project ideas.
https://github.com/perl-foundation-outreach/gsoc-2021-ideas Follow the
template in the main directory to propose something you'd be comfortable
tutoring. Tutoring happens through summer, and it's ideally done by 2-3
people per project so that some can do the summer-y thing while the others
What I want from you
- Propose project ideas that can take a student (possibly with no prior
idea of Raku) a summer to work on. It can be part of the core, but also
modules you're working already with or some you want to work with.
- Help as mentors. Mentors get their own T-Shirt and the appreciation from
the whole community, and little in the way of monetary emoluments, but the
Perl Foundation gets 2500€ (or $, don't remember exactly) per project, so
you help not only further the goals of the project you're mentoring, but
also the community at large.

I've mentored in a couple of occasions, and it's an overall nice
experience, plus you get to help Raku and also maybe yourself with some
project you're familiar with. Getting involved is a win-win, for you and
the community at large.

Anything else you need to know, please ask.



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