Aldo Calpini:
# Daniel Grunblatt wrote:
# > > is anybody working on JIT-enabling the Win32 platform?
# >
# > Yes, the new JIT will work (actually, it works) on Windows, 
# probably 
# > you didn't read the TODO, says '(currently on hold, waiting for JIT 
# > v2)', so, as soon as the the code is in you will be able to use the 
# > JIT on windows and help us enhancing it :)
# oh well... stupid me, I worked on the parrot-0.0.5 distro, 
# just forgot about peeking at the CVS repository :-)
# it was really nice to work on it anyway. I have learned alot 
# of things, and would like to suggest an 'enhancement' to
# if the compiler is 'cl' (that is, Visual C++), and you invoke 
# with --debugging, it should add '-DDEBUG 
# -D_DEBUG -FAcs -Fa -FR' to CFLAGS in the Makefile. I've found 
# that with these switches debugging in Visual
# C++ is far more pleasant.

That sounds like a good idea.  You'll probably want to patch

# also, to inspect core_ops.c in the debugger (instead of the 
# not-so-helpful core.ops), I had to comment all the #line 
# directives in core_ops.c.

That's intentional--most of the time that you're debugging ops the .ops
file is more helpful.  However, I think that can take a
command-line switch that turns off the #line directives.

# what is your opinion about these changes? if you think 
# they're worthy, I can submit a patch.

Go for it on the first one.

@roles=map {"Parrot $_"} qw(embedding regexen Configure)

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