> : > I wonder if we can possibly get the Rubyesque leaving out of
> : > endpoints by saying something like 1..!10.
> : 
> : Similarly: 1 >..< 10  ==  2..9

> There's also an issue of what (1..10) - 1 would or should
> mean, if anything. Does it mean (1..9)?  Does 1 + (1..10)
> mean (2..10)?
> And what would ('a' .. 'z') - 1 mean?

    1..10-1      # 1..9
    1+1..--10    # 2..9
    'a'..'z'--   # a - y



PS. [op] is such a sweet improvement. the [op=] vs [op]=
trick that then became possible, the move of ^ back to its
previous meaning, is nice icing.

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