Larry Wall:
# Of course, Real Mathematicians will want [1..10) and (1..10] instead.
# Double ick.

Reminds me of the number-line notation you learn about *before*
precalculus (or whatever the value of
$you.schooling.grade[12].class{math}.name is) confuses everything, with
open vs. closed circles on a number line.  How about:

        1 oo 10   # (1, 10)
        1 o. 10   # (1, 10]
        1 .o 10   # [1, 10)
        1 .. 10   # [1, 10]

(The scary part is that I'm not sure I'm joking any more...)

# There's also an issue of what (1..10) - 1 would or should 
# mean, if anything. Does it mean (1..9)?  Does 1 + (1..10) 
# mean (2..10)?
# And what would ('a' .. 'z') - 1 mean?

Er, I would hope that it would be the same as scalar('a' .. 'z') - 1, or
['a' .. 'z'] - 1, or +['a' .. 'z'] - 1, or 26 - 1, or 25.  But that
wouldn't be weird enough, I suppose--it's looking like Perl 6 will be
the official language of *The Matrix*.  Free your mind!  :^)

@roles=map {"Parrot $_"} qw(embedding regexen Configure)

Wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in
New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. And radio operates
exactly the same way. The only difference is that there is no cat.
    --Albert Einstein (explaining radio)

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