>>>>> "DS" == Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  DS> At 4:21 PM -0400 5/28/04, Uri Guttman wrote:

  >> i am not against having a sync api but as dan said it should be a
  >> wrapper around the async stuff. but as we agree (and dan hasn't acked
  >> yet) the aio ops need a seek arg and the seek/tell ops should be dropped

  DS> Actually I don't agree, though I'll have to think about it. At the
  DS> moment I'm leaning towards filehandles maintaining their own position
  DS> rather than having user code track it.

but that doesn't work for parallel aio ops. a handle seek pointer makes
no sense in that env. for sync io ops, keep a seek value in the handle
but ignore that for aio ops. 

and i meant for users who do aio, they have to track the seek locations
for each op. if you use sync ops, it should work the way they do now.


Uri Guttman  ------  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -------- http://www.stemsystems.com
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