Sam Tregar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>On Tue, 29 Aug 2000, Nick Ing-Simmons wrote:
>> David L . Nicol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> >
>> >does sysV shm not support the equivalent security as the file system?
>> mmap() has the file system.
>I wasn't aware that mmap() was part of SysV shared memory. 

It is NOT. It is another (POSIX) way of getting shared memory bewteen 
processes. Even without MAP_SHARED OS will share un-modified pages 
between processes.

It happens to be the way modern UNIX implemements "shared .text".
i.e. the ".text" part of the object file is mmap()'ed  into 
each process.

>mistake?  It's not on the SysV IPC man pages on my Linux system.  The mmap
>manpage doesn't mention SysV IPC either.

SysV IPC is a mess IMHO. 

My point was that if the "file system" is considered
sufficient then mmap()ing file system objects will get you "shared code"
or "shared data" without any tedious reinventing of wheels.

Nick Ing-Simmons

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