On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> I think we can pull this off if we're careful and draw really strict lines
> about what is and isn't public stuff. It's not easy, and it will mean
> we'll have to have some reference executables in a test suite for
> verification, but I think we can manage that.
> I do want to have a set of C/XS/whatever sources as part of the test suite
> as well--right now perl's test suite only tests the language, and I think
> we should also test the HLL interface we present, as it's just as
> important in some ways.

One of the off-the-cuff suggestions I sent in to one of the myriad
polls for "fixing Perl", is that the bulk of Perl should be written in
the XS replacement.  This would force a two-pass build of perl, of
course - the first pass to build the XSR, and the second to build perl
itself.  But the advantage was that it would really solidify the
internals interface.  And give you your test suite above.  :-)

Bryan C. Warnock

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