Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030720
    Welcome back to an interim Perl 6 Summary, falling as it does between
    two conference weeks; OSCON and YAPC::Europe. For reasons involving
    insanity, a EuroStar ticket going begging, and undeserved generosity I
    shall be bringing my conference haul up to 3 for the year. Yay me! Now
    if I can just finagle a talk into the schedule I will have spoken at all
    three too. I'll certainly have heckled at all three...

  The State of the Onion
    Tim Howell wondered if Larry's State of the Onion address to OSCON would
    be available anywhere. Robert "White Camel" Spier didn't rest on his
    laurels, but posted a link to Larry's slides and transcript. Chromatic
    popped up with a different link, which neatly combines slides and
    transcript. However, they both lack the funny balloon pony which I gave
    Larry just before the talk. Maybe there will be video later.

  A Small Perl Task for the Interested
    A few weeks back, Dan asked for volunteers to improve Parrot's build
    system. Lars Balker Rasmussen stepped up to the plate and offered a
    simple wrapper. Josh Wilmes seems to be somewhat sceptical about the
    whole endeavour, pointing at libtool as an illustration of the size of
    the problem.

    Parrot is in the process of getting an "env" PMC, for accessing
    environment variables. Dan and Leo's discussion of the patch took in
    iterators and the wisdom of caching values. In the end, Dan prevailed
    and the environment PMC doesn't cache values.

  Dan on threading
    "Yes, [there is some plan of how threading will work in Parrot]. (Though
    there's some disagreement [as] to the solidity and sanity of the plan)"

    Dan went on to outline the plan.

  Event handling
    Event handling appears to be the topic of the week. The consensus seems
    to be that getting it right is hard. Lots of people offered constructive
    suggestions and/or problem cases. I sat on the sidelines and trusted
    them to get it Right (a strategy which seems to pay off remarkably
    often, thankfully).

    Damien Neil was rather less sure of the wisdom of Parrot's events and
    asynchronous IO model, arguing for a system based on threading. Dan was
    unconvinced. I don't think Damien was convinced either.

  IMCC sub names are not labels
    Luke Palmer had some problems with using continuation passing style
    subroutines in IMCC. Leo initially pointed out that IMCC didn't support
    CPS, then he fixed it so that it did (sort of, the user still has to do
    a chunk of the work, but sometimes that's a good thing).

    In an example of synchronicity, Will Coleda had a similar problem. Leo's
    fix helped him too, and he went off to continue hacking on TCL. (It
    helps me too, I have this cunning plot you see...)

  More on targeting GCC
    In last week's summary I wondered what Tupshin Harper was talking about
    when he suggested emulating a 'more traditional, stack-oriented
    processor'. This week, Tupshin wished that 'people had the decency to
    tell me how insane [the idea] is'. Dan obliged, telling Tupshin that he
    was insane (but he did it with a smile).

    The problem boils down to GCC's assumptions about the 'shape' of the
    stack. GCC assumes a conventional, contiguous area of stack memory
    filled with stack frames. Parrot assumes a garbage collected chain of
    continuations, which is about as far as you can get from GCC's beliefs.

  Parrot_sprintf not recognizing 7 in precision
    mrnobo1024 posted a patch to fix a minor niggle with Parrot_sprintf.
    Leon Brocard applied it.

  Problems with new object ops
    Dan has started adding real classes and objects to Parrot. (Yay!)

    Simon Glover found some bugs. (Not entirely unexpected)

    Simon also sent in a patch fixing the bugs. (Yay! Yay! and thrice Yay!)

  The big core.ops split
    Brent Dax has started work on splitting core.ops up from being the
    second largest file in the Parrot distribution (108k) into a total of
    10, rather more narrowly defined .ops files. Benjamin Goldberg wondered
    if this would be a good time for tidying up the parrot directory
    structure (at the very least, he called for moving the source files into
    a src subdirectory).

    Dan asked for a volunteer to rough out a move plan coving which files
    move where and what the new directory structure would look like, which
    would allow the CPAN jockeys to rearrange things in such a way that the
    various files remember their histories.

    Josh Wilmes posted a monster patch to unify the various copyright
    notices attached to the files in the parrot distribution. Everything is
    now (correctly) copyrighted by the Perl Foundation.

Meanwhile in perl6-language
    Somebody needs to set an Exegesis among the pigeons. There's all of 14
    messages in there, and almost all of them are discussing the semantics
    of aliasing an array slice. -- Alias those slices

  Parsers with Pre-processors
    I didn't quite understand what Dave Whipp was driving at when he talked
    about overloading the "<ws>" pattern as a way of doing preprocessing of
    Perl 6 patterns. I didn't understand Luke Palmer's answer either. Help.

    Luke Palmer's been toying with Objective-C (And why not, it's a nice
    language) and would like Perl 6 to steal Objective-C's protocols.
    (Objective C Protocols are a little like Java's interfaces, but nicer.)
    I'm waiting for him to latch onto the idea of Categories which are
    Objective C's way of adding methods to a class. At runtime.

    Discussion of Luke's proposal centred on a couple of his peripheral
    points, nobody's yet addressed his main point (but it looks like a
    decent idea to me).

Acknowledgements, Announcements and Apologies
    First of all, I plead insanity for my mistake of last week's summary.
    PONIE does not stand for 'Perl On New Internal Architecture', it
    obviously stands for 'Perl On New Implementation Engine'. I'm very, very
    sorry and I'll try not to do it again.

    Secondly, an announcement, I've started one of those punditry/bloggy
    things. It's at (Snappy URL eh?) and it's called
    'Just A Summary'. I'm expecting it to concentrate on Perl and Perl 6
    related issues, but at the time of this writing I've only got two 'real'
    articles up there so anything could happen.

    As ever, if you've appreciated this summary, please consider one or more
    of the following options:

    *   Send money to the Perl Foundation at and help support the ongoing
        development of Perl.

    *   Get involved in the Perl 6 process. The mailing lists are open to
        all. and
        are good starting points with links to the appropriate mailing

    *   Send feedback, flames, money, requests for consultancy, photographic
        and writing commissions, or an apple 23" Cinema Display to
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] (One of these days that begging request
        will work, and I'll be flabberghasted).

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