Robin Berjon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Uri Guttman wrote:
>>>>>>>"MS" == Melvin Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>   MS> This has been a major stumbling block for me in getting back
>> the   MS> motivation to help with Parrot again.
>> so if that helps salve your wound, i am sure you contributions (past
>> and
>> future) to parrot are welcomed and appreciated by the parrot community
>> (pretty much those on these lists)
> I second that. The imperatives of book production are mercantile, and
> have nothing to do with one's excellent participation in an Open
> Source effort, irrespective of the quality that a given editor may
> normally have.
> I'm certain that when a more definitive book is started, there will be
> much more time to ask all the interesting people for input. Please
> don't lose your motivation :)

Speaking of books. I keep mulling over the idea of attempting to
write a 'Soul of a New Machine' type book for Parrot and Perl 6... 

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