The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030824
    Another week, another Perl 6 summary. I'm running late writing this and
    I don't care because I spent the bank holiday weekend at a folk festival
    and didn't get back 'til Monday evening.

    Predictably enough, we'll start with the shenanigans in perl6-internals.

  Timely Destruction: Luke Palmer's Scheme
    The timely destruction meme just won't go away. This week Luke Palmer
    suggested a possible improvement to Parrot's current scheme (Parrot
    keeps a counter of 'eager' objects needing timely destruction, and a
    language's compiler emits conditional "sweep" opcodes at appropriate
    points. In Perl's case, for instance, the conditional sweeps would be
    triggered on scope exit, other languages may have different

    Luke's scheme involves terminating the DOD (Dead Object Detection) run
    if every outstanding eager object is found alive at any point in the
    run. For added performance, there would also be a 'high priority' flag
    on all objects. The idea is that the high priority flag could be used to
    ensure that, during a sweep, the paths through the object group that are
    likely to lead to an eager object get checked first, hopefully ensuring
    that the "sweep" gets terminated as quickly as possible in the case
    where no eager objects need to be finalized.

    The proposal was discussed, but I don't think anyone has gone so far as
    to implement anything based on the scheme.

    This discussion led Klaas-Jan Stol to ask what the heck timely
    destruction was, anyway. This sparked a longish discussion, covering
    what timely destruction is all about, why you'd want it, and why having
    it could be problematic.

  The String API
    Benjamin Goldberg is concerned with 'a number of shortcomings in the
    [string] API' and outlined the problems he sees, along with some
    proposed improvements. Luke Palmer generally liked the ideas, but Leo
    Tötsch had concerns about some of Benjamin's proposals. The discussion
    that ensued got fairly technical. (One of these days I'm actually going
    to go and get my head properly around the details of the various
    encodings and charactersets. And then I'll probably go insane.)

    Dan also thought that Benjamin was confusing language level strings with
    low-level strings, and that this was a Bad Thing. He outlined the
    difference between language level (PMC) and low-level (Parrot S
    register) strings, and explained what each was appropriate for.

  Making the Perl 6 Compiler use Continuation Passing Style
    Allison Randal sent in a patch to switch languages/perl6 -- Parrot's
    (incomplete) Perl 6 Compiler -- over to using Continuation Passing
    Style, which is a useful step in the right direction. Leo applied it.

  Fun with "search_lex"
    Jos Visser (who in an earlier post confided that he's working on writing
    a parrot compiler back end for his personal 'computer language
    personality disorder: Comal', and that he does this for 'therapeutical
    value') wants to generate some parrot code that is capable of searching
    the lexical pads for the existence of a lexical. His current code tries
    to look up a lexical and catches the exception when the lexical doesn't
    exist, but this is apparently very slow. So, he proposes an op,
    "search_lex" which, instead of throwing an exception, returns a null PMC
    if the lexical is not found.

    Leo Tötsch wasn't convinced by the need for the op, but he is looking
    into why the exception handling route is so slow (indeed, he seems to
    have found the reason, now he's trying to fix it).

  Syntax Highlighting
    Inspired by Luke Palmer's cunning, core.ops parsing vim syntax
    highlighter, Andy Bussey wrote something similar for the KDE Kate
    editor. Now, if someone could modify pasm.el, the Emacs highlighting
    mode to use the autogeneration trick too...

  RFC: Constant PMCs and Classes
    Leo Tötsch kicked off a discussion of the handling of constants within
    Parrot and proposed adding a bunch of functions for creating constant
    strings (symbols?) within the core. He also proposed a system for
    creating constant classes. In the ensuing discussion I think the
    proposals for strings were pretty much accepted, but it's not yet known
    if the proposal for constant classes is quite the Right Thing.

  Should Tom Locke target parrot?
    Tom Locke is about to start on a project to create a new language and
    wondered if Parrot might be a good target VM for him. In short, we think
    so. But we would, wouldn't we?

  More fun with set/assign
    The semantics of "set" in Parrot are, somewhat complex. Leo Tötsch
    showed a fragment of code which got a value from out of a hash, set the
    fetched value to a new value and then printed out the value from the
    hash. Depending on whether the original hash entry existed or not, the
    fragment of code printed different things. He wondered if things
    shouldn't be fixed to make it print the same thing each time. Consensus
    has not yet been reached.

  Registers vs. Stacks
    Tom Locke reopened the register or stack machine can of worms. He even
    offered to recan them afterwards (by writing up the discussion for
    adding to the FAQ). In particular, he wanted to know what we thought
    Miguel de Icaza meant when he claimed that Parrot was "based on
    religion". Klaas-Jan Stol pointed us at Dan's blog where he'd addressed
    this issue some time ago.

  Weak References
    Benjamin Goldberg hoped that Parrot would have some way of creating Weak
    References, as he felt that they were probably a vital feature. He
    outlined a scheme for implementing them. Various people disagreed about
    their level of vitality.

    Dan pointed out that weak refs could be implemented with no special core
    support beyond a general notification mechanism (which we're getting
    anyway) and a weak reference PMC. Dan seemed to think that this had
    already been discussed, but I confess that I can't remember the
    discussion and, as Benjamin pointed out, it looks like Google can't
    remember it either.

  Print warning location
    Leo kicked off a discussion of embedding debugging information (line
    numbers, both for parrot code and the original high level code) in
    parrot bytecode. Right now, only the slow core tracks lines within the
    pasm file, and he wondered if using the "-w" switch should automatically
    force using the slow core.

    Nobody actually answered that question, choosing to discuss the various
    means of storing meta data about line numbers and the like in the
    bytecode file. Consensus hasn't been attained yet, but I think we're
    getting there.

  WARNING: Incompatible changes to IMCC
    As he warned some time ago, Leo has finally removed the 'feature'
    whereby IMCC would parse code it found outside of subs. All IMCC code
    must now be contained in ".sub"/".pcc_sub"/".emit" blocks. If you're
    writing code that doesn't behave properly, please fix it.

  Program exit status
    Leo noted that Parrot programs get commandline info passed in in P0, but
    there is currently no way for a parrot program to communicate an exit
    status to the shell. Leo offered up 3 different possibilities for fixing
    this and asked for comments. Dan came up with a 4th option involving a
    status PMC. Discussion is ongoing.

Meanwhile in perl6-language
    There were all of 6 messages. Gordon Henriksen moved the set/assign
    discussion over from perl6-internals, asking for clarification of what
    various bits of Perl 6 should do. Essentially it boils down to 'when
    should Perl 6 autovivify?'. The discussion is ongoing.

Next Week in the Perl 6 Summary
    *   The perl6-language list will erupt in a massive discussion of the
        meaning of "my Dog $spot"

    *   Leo Tötsch will post precisely no patches to Parrot

    *   Dan will finish up the objects implementation

    *   Leon Brocard will say something on one of the lists

    *   Damian will release Perl6::Rules

    *   Your summarizer will have written some real Perl code and released
        the code he talked about in Paris

Acknowledgements, Announcements and Apologies
    Does anyone want to buy a four bedroomed house in Newark upon Trent,
    dating back to the late 16th century? The house is on the market, Gill's
    term starts on September 15th and so far the Estate Agents haven't sent
    any prospective buyers. Well, at least it gives me time to write the

    Check out for more of my writing (and thanks to
    those who have already popped by).

    As ever, if you've appreciated this summary, please consider one or more
    of the following options:

    *   Send money to the Perl Foundation at and help support the ongoing
        development of Perl.

    *   Get involved in the Perl 6 process. The mailing lists are open to
        all. and
        are good starting points with links to the appropriate mailing

    *   Send feedback, flames, money, requests for consultancy, photographic
        and writing commissions, or a dual-processor G5 with 23" Cinema
        Display to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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