> > One of my many RFCs will include a proposal for a $SELF variable along
   > > those lines.
   > Why not allow for the choice of the name of self, perhaps through a pragma?
   > use self => 'self';
   > use self => 'this';
   > or something along those lines -- since it's currently up to the devleoper
   > anyway.  Somethign about a capitolized SELF is unappealing to my eyes.

$ME will be like other magic variables, so you can always write:

        sub self {$ME}
        sub this {$ME}
        sub I    {$ME}
        sub one  {$ME}
        sub obj  {$ME}
        sub TheObjectThatThisMethodWasInvokedOn { $ME }

        # and later

        sub shout {
                self->set_name(uc this->get_name);

Of course, these particular subroutines might be a good (and easy)
target for inlining optimization.


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