> I'm ashamed that this feature would mess with my (bad?) habit of
> re-writing "$pw" to just $pw on the assumption that whoever wrote
> it didn't know what the hell he was doing. Would anybody else be
> caught like that?

I'm not sure it would. I think if we did it right all of these could
potentially have the same effect of calling $pw->SCALAR:

   print "$pw";
   print $pw;
   print scalar $pw;
> What if it were a per-variable modifier? Something like $"var"? I
> know that collides with special variables, but it seems a bit
> more obvious that stringify behavior is wanted.

The only way this is useful is if it makes objects seemlessly look like
scalars. If a special syntax is needed then it's no better than:

   print $pw->SCALAR;

You're right, though, we'll have to make sure this is implemented 100%
correctly or else it isn't much good. I'll add this to version 2.


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