On Sun, 6 Aug 2000 18:28:29 -0800, Michael Fowler wrote:

>>    print $pw;
>>    print scalar $pw;
>These resulting in a $pw->STRINGIFY or $pw->TO_STRING call is also
>confusing; neither are being used as strings.

Oh yes they are.

        $^W = 1;
        my $x;
        print $x;

This complains of a "use of uninitialized value". When does this happen?
When the undef is converted to a string.

        $y = 2*3;
        print $y;

Does this print a number, or a string? It prints the result of the
calculation, a number, as a string. After this, the string value of $y,
"6", will even be cached as a string inside $y.

I could go on. Printing a list will convert every single list item into
a string.

This also clearly points out another reason why "turning into a scalar"
and "turning into a string", or into a list of strings, is not the same


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