Uri Guttman wrote:
> but how will perl access that text? what perl var get the text in that
> =for block? 

Well, the proposal was more about getting perl code into doco than
getting doco into perl.

> the proposal for a special here doc notation is possible but
> that can be hard for pod to parse unless we restrict the format.

Yes, that's an idea.  

Maybe what's needed is two distinct perl pod processor types, one
which passes on the text literally to the compiler, and one which
wraps it up like a string literal.

The former type:

        =for pod
        The subroutine is defined as

        =for perl-code pod
        sub foo($\@%)


The latter type:


        =for perl-string pod
        Help is on the way.


John Porter

        Aus tiefem Traum bin ich erwacht.

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