On Tue, Aug 01, 2000 at 11:37:49PM -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> Right. That was my point. (The original poster wanted to pull IO out of the 
> core entirely)

Ah. Barbarians-at-gates approach, then. On the other hand, there is
a lot of rubbish that *can* go out of core; I'd like to see core being
syntax-plus-essentials. System V IPC, for instance, isn't essential.
I think "essential" could be easily defined as "stuff which is portable pretty
much everywhere"; the socket stuff can go into a separate library, for

This probably wouldn't affect speed too drastically because these things could
always be linked in statically a la Dynaloader.

But this is now an internals issue, so the list football starts again. Don't
you just love arbitrary distinctions?
VMS must die!

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