This has already been done for Perl 5.6.1.  Here is what perldelta.pod
has to say.

=head2 Arrays now Always Interpolate Into Double-Quoted Strings

In double-quoted strings, arrays now interpolate, no matter what.  The
behavior in perl 5 was that arrays would interpolate into strings if
the array had been mentioned before the string was compiled, and
otherwise Perl would raise a fatal compile-time error.  In versions
5.000 through 5.003, the error was

        Literal @example now requires backslash

In versions 5.004_01 through 5.6.0, the error was

        In string, @example now must be written as \@example

The idea here was to get people into the habit of writing
C<"fred\"> when they wanted a literal C<@> sign, just as
they have always written C<"Give me back my \$5"> when they wanted a
literal C<$> sign.

Starting with 5.6.1, when Perl now sees an C<@> sign in a
double-quoted string, it I<always> attempts to interpolate an array,
regardless of whether or not the array has been used or declared
already.  The fatal error has been downgraded to an optional warning:

        Array @example will be interpolated in string
This warns you that C<"[EMAIL PROTECTED]"> is going to turn into
C<> if you don't backslash the C<@>.

See L<> for more details
about the history here.

Mark-Jason Dominus                                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I am boycotting Amazon. See for details.

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